Tuesday 5 April 2005

The Big Brother Black Hole

The hype machine is gearing up for Big Brother '05 already. Next month I will drop off the face of the earth, once again slave to the glowing box that makes noises. I'll still be posting here, and I guess I'll still come to work, but only out of habit.

One ad proclaims "35 000 people applied for Big Brother 2005. Think you know how many are going in? Think again." Sam, upon seeing this, immediately theorised that all of them would go in. Just seal them up and say "no food - you'll have to eat each other". Mmm, cannibalism. Now that's entertainment!

I took the idea just a few steps further and imagined the biggest, most expensive, least real reality TV show ever: ZombieTown. Cordon off a massive playing field, hide food and foam/paintball weapons, hire about a thousand actors to play zombies. Last one "alive" or first one to reach the military-controlled safe zone wins, depending on which happens first. Prize is dependent on how many people arrive at the safe zone together, to encourage cooperation.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - You must have seen the zombie link coming.
PPS - Seriously, what else do I ever talk about?


Anonymous said...

How'd the 'meeting' yesterday go? I hope there weren't too many dilbert moments in there!

Also, how's the COH coming along? I have started playing World Of Warcraft with Adam at Coorparoo, and I must admit it is VERY addictive!

John said...

Ah, the meeting. I slept again. The most interesting thing was a 3D animation of the Gateway Bridge Duplication Project. After that I had to amuse myself.

Last night in City of Heroes I got my second character to level 14, which means she can now fly! Level 14 is the magic level at which you are first able to select the third power in a "power pool" set, which includes the "advanced travel" powers, Fly, Teleport, Super Jump or Super Speed. I'm looking forward to trying it out some more, and there's no end in sight just yet to my CoH play.

I have been encouraged to try WoW, but one person's world is only large enough for one MMO, and I'm sticking with CoH for now, because that's the kind of stable, faithful guy I am. ;)