Thursday 5 January 2006

The worst of the worst

In Ann Rice's vampire novels, the vampires can move too quickly for human eyes to see, and basically the only things that can kill them are fire, beheading and sunlight. The older ones can hear your thoughts, move objects with their minds and fly. Their personalities are intact - they are the same person dead as they were alive.

In Buffy the Vampire Slayer, the vampires are demons in dead bodies who remember the life of their vessel. They are malicious and evil, every one. They take delight in the kill and creating pain, but cannot enter a home without an invitation.

In Bram Stoker's novel Dracula, the vampire can enter any room that is not completely airtight, and can transform into various forms such as a wolf or bat.

The worst kind of vampire to encounter, combining these attributes, would be one who is too old to be burned by the sun, is evil through and through, can enter any room or home (even if the door is locked) and kill you before you even see it coming.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - You could be attacked in broad daylight.
PPS - And you'd be dead before you blink.


Erin Marie said...

Thank you so much for easing my fears of vampires by conjuring the possibility of some kind of super vampire that I will never even see coming.

Thanks a lot.


Pstonie said...

I find a kind of comfort in a death that'll be too quick to regret.

And one of the problems I have with writing these days is that there aren't any pure evil villians that don't seem cut from a comic book. "Curses" and so forth.