Sunday 26 March 2006

The Sunday Mok - Work at Home

Sunday - After the morning church service, Deb and I did some grocery shopping, then came back to my place. I worked in my room on the staff appraisals database for three hours while she played City of Heroes. After the evening service, several of us went to the Coffee Club, and Tim was there. It was good to see him and chatter inanely again.
Monday - Thanks to the work on Sunday, I was able to get a minimally functional appraisal database up for demonstration. I had a rather large dinner at home with Dad and Ug and also bible study at Deb's.
Tuesday - I felt much less pressure at work after getting the database done as far as I did. At karate in the evening, I felt a bit off balance. Pizza for dinner then City of Heroes until 21:30. I had an early night.
Wednesday - Our internet connection at work was playing up a bit. I'm not certain all of my email got sent. I had dinner at Deb's, then we watched a few Stargate: SG-1 episodes.
Thursday - I went looking for AJAX code to add name suggestions to the appraisal database. After dinner at Dad & Beth's I helped Dad with getting photos off his digital camera and looked at his TV/DVD/digital receiver setup that had gone wonky.
Friday - I finally got the AJAX code to work with Brad's help. At youth group in the evening, we played beach volleyball which wasn't as tough as I remembered it last time.
Saturday - I slept in, then watched Dances With Wolves, since I'd hired it for the bible study earlier in the week. I played City of Heroes into and beyond lunch, then went shopping with Deb. In the evening I went alone to Bronwyn and Steve's place for a housewarming. I stayed until shortly before midnight.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - It was good to see those friends again.
PPS - I see them far too infrequently.

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