Friday 12 May 2006

A steaming pile of unposted thoughts

I'm looking over my draft blog posts (there are a lot of them) and I don't see any that are particularly worthy. In fact, with very little discomfort, I would use the metaphor that I have amassed a huge pile of manure, and now I'm digging through it for the bit that's not smelly. Most of the half-formed thoughts that sit here, waiting to be posted, sound like the things I've already said before, numerous times. Am I running out of steam? Is it possible that this long road of blogging has been steadily sapping my creativity and ideas so that now, in one sense, I'm finished?

I doubt it. However, if you see too many more meta-posts like this one, let me know and I'll try to dig something up.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - I should produce an essay on television in the internet age.
PPS - That alone would eat up half of my unposted entries.


Linda said...

Can I get a copy of the essay? Or maybe the a copy of the unposted blogs. I am intrigued by the subject.

John said...

The essay, as yet, remains unwritten, but I'll be sure to post it here when it's done. And giving out a copy of the unposted blog entries might be a bit premature, since some of them might end up refined and posted anyway.

Maybe I should have a "rejected posts" blog, just made up of the unedited words that I would otherwise terminate with extreme prejudice. Like deleted scenes on a DVD. Special features, if you will. I guess that's an idea that has some merit.