Thursday 31 August 2006

The Toolbox

Just for interest's sake, here's a list of the programs that I use daily to help keep my life organised:

ePrompter - email checking. ePrompter can check all my various web email accounts at once and provide the results to me in a simple unified interface. It's handy.

Working Time Tracker - project based time keeping. I don't like my weekly timesheet to be an exercise in memory or fiction, so I use this to keep track of what I'm working on at any given time.

WorkDiary - stream-of-consciousness note taking. This one's my own creation and I use it to keep my work diary at the office (in HTML format) and a differently-configured copy for general note taking. It saves entries automatically when I stop typing and never bothers me asking where to save a file - it's all automatic.

SyncToy - folder synchronisation. I use this to keep up-to-date copies of my flash drive contents on my work, home and laptop PCs.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - I've left out more ordinary things like Thunderbird, Firefox, Blogger and Google Reader.
PPS - There are lots, but these are the most useful and most used.

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