Sunday 29 April 2007

The Sunday Mok - Nintendo

Sunday - After church in the morning, I spent the afternoon waiting for a call from a floor polisher that never came. Deb and I watched Princess Diaries 2 at her place, then it was just church in the evening and a quiet Coffee Club supper.
Monday - I had a long meeting in the morning to discuss the direction of a general information management database and bought some new business shirts at lunchtime. After dinner at Deb's in the evening, we watched The Best of Victor Borge.
Tuesday - I had a bad night at karate where I couldn't balance, couldn't remember my techniques and couldn't even catch my breath properly. Deb came over for dinner and we watched some Scrubs and chatted.
Wednesday - I appreciated the sleep-in I got in the morning. The floor polisher came to give us a formal quote, then Deb and I did some major cleaning up in the downstairs study. We filled the recycling bin. I had dinner at Deb's with Mal, Linda, Mia, Sam and Scott.
Thursday - Deb met me for lunch, then we each bought a Nintendo DS. Dinner at Dad and Beth's in the evening.
Friday - Youth group in the evening was not too well attended. We helped set up for the church fair. Deb lost one of her rings and we eventually found it out the front of the church.
Saturday - I got up at 06:00 and spent all day at the church fair. For most of the time I helped on the bowling lane because I know that one goes easier with two people. Some of us had dinner at Sizzler afterwards.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - I'm enjoying Brain Training on my DS.
PPS - Also New Super Mario.


Anonymous said...

Neat quirky bits to make you feel cool about yourself.

But while you and the Middle Eastern guys are arguing about whose god is best, we agnostics are getting swept up in your grubby little wars.

You can't keep ignoring why its happening - Iraq has a third of the world's oil and you need it to feed your consumerism.

Stop looking for a big brother in the sky, stand alone rather than alongside your imaginary best friend Jesus, AND ASK THE RIGHT QUESTIONS.

quit your denial. it's killing the rest of us who don't believe in religion.

Anonymous said...

Way to go freakshow! Not even enough decency to sign a name to your post.

At least the parties you criticise have the conviction to stand up for what they believe in.
