Monday 7 April 2008

Room in your eyes

I looked up the correct medical name for that yellow crust that forms in the corners of your eyes while you sleep. I usually call it "sleep", but that seemed ambiguous to me, so I thought the proper term would be more helpful. It's called "rheum", pronounced "room". Oh, yes, that's much better, especially when speaking:

"I had some rheum in my eyes."
"Room for what?"
"No, R-H-E-U-M. You know, sleep."
"Why didn't you just say 'sleep' in the first place?"

Mokalus of Borg

PS - I do this kind of thing because I am difficult.
PPS - Doctors probably have to explain their terminology all the time.


Erin Marie said...

If you have room in your eyes, can my sister move in? She hasn't found a new place to live yet, and if you've got some spare room...


John said...

That's a horrible image and I blame you in advance for my related nightmares. ;)