Wednesday 11 June 2008

Mental mash-ups

Sometimes I get a couple of songs mixed up in my head, like a mash-up, but worse. The most recent one has involved some children's gospel song and the Speed Racer theme, which ends up something like:

"J-E-S-U-S! Yes! He's a demon on wheels."

I don't think that's quite what either songwriter had in mind.

Mokalus of Borg

PS - It may be the first time Jesus has been described that way, too.
PPS - I'm not sure what the first song actually is.


Chris said...

Jesus on wheels? I believe Ralph Wiggum beat you to that one.

Otherwise, I'd gladly take your ailment over mine. My head just plays the worst part of a song on repeat.

John said...

Ah, right you are. Ralph. Is there anything he can't do?

Maybe both of our ailments would go away with a decent helping of new music.